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Hiring Managers need to ‘Step-Up’ in 2022

November 2, 2021 | Hanover Team

Note to hiring managers – It’s no longer about you ‘choosing them’. It’s more likely ‘them choosing you’. So….are you all ready for that?

Because that is how they will judge you.

In today’s competitive and fluid job market, candidates are more interested about everything around the work itself. They want to know about the commute time to the office, if flexible hours are available, and the team culture.

Candidates realize they hold the power in today’s job interview and are using it to create the job and career that works for them. Those in-demand candidates are also assessing your hiring process, your interview process, your EVP explanation, your authentic corporate ethos, your salaries, benefits, WFH flexibility and learning opportunities. Hiring Managers need to have all the peripheral answers for candidates in today’s market as they increasingly have multiple options available to them.

Compensation over flexibility?

After the initial candidate identification and sourcing process is completed, the crucial interview process takes place. Hiring Managers are being scrutinized more than ever by the candidate in front of them (in-person or online).

Organizations who miss out on hard-to-find talent can’t afford for their Hiring Managers to have an “off day” during the interview process and a reason for high-performing talent to join their competitors.

2021’s conversation centers around flexibility, hybrid work models and WFH options. Going into 2022 that’s now been replaced by compensation as the hottest topic for high performers looking to make a move. They wanted to be paid according to the value they brought to their employers. So they’re looking for opportunities with higher salaries, bonuses, and more.

Hiring Managers need to understand that improved compensation is implied with a new hire’s upward mobility, so they need to think about providing potentially different forms of compensation. Alongside the increased salaries, high performers want immediate and long-term advancement opportunities. They want to see how their careers can progress at your company, so when you interview them, be prepared with real-world examples of how your best employees advanced within the company.

Challenging the lengthy hiring process

Lengthy hiring practices is almost always the #1 reason Hiring Managers lose out on top candidates, so why do you continue to do it? Sure, you want to have candidates meet more than one member of your hiring team, but there’s no need to do it in four separate interviews (or ten in once recent case).

Consider alternative hiring methods like a ‘team interview’, where the team can meet candidates together and then participate in routine business exercises like a brainstorming session. Pick a topic! You’ll still get the insight you need on the candidate’s experience and personality, while at the same time checking out how they mesh with your team and reduce the interview process by a few steps.

Hanover is a global provider of Talent Solutions, including Executive Search and Leadership Solutions. Our specialty teams engage in sourcing high performing talent and additionally provide organizations with leadership assessment, development/coaching and talent strategy development.